Insightful Ponderings 4

If you consider yourself a contemplative individual, our new Insightful Ponderings newsletter is for you!

Insightful Ponderings 4
Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

If you consider yourself a contemplative individual, our new Insightful Ponderings newsletter is for you! We will be sharing the best insights and thought-provoking points from our favorite podcasts, books, newsletters, and authors for your brain to ponder. These articles are short, sweet, and meant to make you THINK. We'll always give members some thoughtful insights, but full articles are only available to our paid subscribers.

Things to ponder...

  • It takes 10 years to become an overnight success.
    • Most of the work successful people do is behind the scenes, unseen by the envious.
  • "A lack of confidence killed more dreams than a lack of competence ever did." - Chris Williamson
  • “There is a guy out there with half your talent but 10x your self-belief making 5x the money.” - George Mack
  • The top 10% of alcohol drinkers in the US consume 74 drinks per week according to Philip J. Cook, author of Paying the Tab using data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
    • 30% of American adults don’t drink at all.
    • 30% consume less than one drink per week on average.
    • The top 10% of American adults (24 million people) reportedly consume 74 drinks per week. That's ~10 drinks per day...