Health and Wellness When Experiences Aren't What You Expected Have you ever been really excited about an experience that ends up being completely different from what you imagined? If so, you're not alone. This happens all the time from students shadowing someone in their dream job to executive directors becoming vice presidents.
Students How Much is Too Much? Tips for Involvement in Pharmacy School From the day they are accepted into pharmacy school, students are excited and eager for all of the new opportunities in front of them. From very early on, pharmacy students understand the competitive nature of different career paths.
Students Why You Should Get Involved in Student Organizations If you're a pharmacy student interested in post-graduate training such as residency or fellowship, then you should be highly prioritizing involvement in student organizations!
Students Taming the Beasts of APPE Rotations Transitioning into the last year of pharmacy school is one of the most difficult challenges for a pharmacy student (and arguably, THE most difficult).
Students How to Prioritize Time at School Disclaimer: The content of this article represents my opinion based on personal experience in school. That aside, coming to the realization explored below genuinely increased my quality of life and helped me land a job I'm passionate about.
Students Takeaways from the NAPLEX In case you're unfamiliar, after you graduate with your PharmD you still have some big hoops to jump through if you want to become a practicing pharmacist. There are 2 tests that you still need to pass.
Students Being a Non-Traditional Student Non-traditional students come in many forms, a young parent who stepped away from school to take care of their family, an older adult who lost their career, or someone who didn’t quite figure out what they wanted until they were a bit older.
Students Post-Graduate Training: Residency vs Fellowship One of the benefits of earning your PharmD is the wide range of career paths open to you after graduation. You could work in the inpatient or outpatient settings, the pharmaceutical industry, or as a retail pharmacist.
Students How to Utilize Group Studying in College College represents a world of change, whether you're a freshman in undergrad or starting your first semester of graduate school. It's a special period of new found independence, but you still call your parents when you hit a pothole and can't afford new tires.
Students Featured How to Adjust to Pharmacy School Transitioning from undergrad to pharmacy school can feel like a daunting task. In my first couple of weeks I wasn't even sure which class I was in; only when the professor started teaching did I piece together what was going on.
Students Featured 5 Tips to Help You Land a Pharmacy Fellowship There's a saying in medicine attributed to Dr. Theodore Woodward, a former professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "When you hear hoof beats, you should think horses, not zebras." How does this apply to fellowships?