Insightful Ponderings

If you consider yourself a contemplative individual, our new Insightful Ponderings newsletter is for you! We will be sharing the best insights and thought-provoking points from our favorite podcasts, books, newsletters, and authors for your brain to ponder. These articles are short, sweet, and meant to make you THINK. The first edition of this article is for all members, but full articles will only be made available to our paid subscribers in the future!

Things to ponder...

  • Two men speaking to each other tend to angle their bodies slightly, resulting in a shoulder-to-shoulder stance. Women tend to stand in a more squared-up position (toes pointing at each other). I noticed this a lot at a recent conference that I attended in Dallas, TX. Do you find this to be true? If so, why do you think this happens?
  • 10 minutes is roughly 1% of your waking hours. Are you spending your time wisely?
  • No one likes a cynic. I find them particularly annoying. However, cynicism can also be viewed as the first step toward wisdom. How so? Cynicism generally comes after naivety. In other words, you're born naive, then experience the real world and become cynical. To get to wisdom from cynicism requires courage and acceptance of the difficulties in life. Building the courage to take on reality can take a lot of time, which might explain why we've historically considered our elders to be wise.
  • Hypomania is defined as a condition in which you have a period of abnormally elevated and volatile changes in your mood, emotions, energy level, or activity level. It's also prevalent in geniuses. "My mind is a storm. I don't think most people would want to be me. They may think they would want to be me, but they don't, they don't know, they don't understand." - Elon Musk
  • You’ll be as different from your current self in 10 years as you are from your previous self 10 years ago. I'm glad I've changed over the years, but this freaks me out. How much of the current me will I think is dumb 10 years from now? How many of my ideas and beliefs will change? If history is any indication, the words you're reading now are dumb af.
  • Your greatest accomplishment is oftentimes the hardest thing you’ve ever done. Is this the case for you? Why is difficulty inherently pleasing to overcome?

*Information presented on RxTeach does not represent the opinion of any specific company, organization, or team other than the authors themselves. No patient-provider relationship is created.