Trying Something New: RxTeach YouTube Channel

Taking the leap on something new can be very daunting. Almost all of us have an idea for a project, company, or other endeavor, but rarely do we choose to put that idea into action. There are 2 main reasons for this, so far as I can tell.

  1. We're scared of failure
  2. We're worried about what people will think

Personally, I've decided to stop letting these things stop me. Since starting RxTeach over 2 years ago, I've come to 2 important conclusions.

  1. Failure is inevitable and part of the journey
  2. No one gives a damn

The truth is that every good idea requires implementation, and making mistakes is part of that process. Think about anything you're currently good at or well-known for. I can almost guarantee that it took hard work and effort to get to where you are, and you almost certainly made mistakes along the way. Just take school as one example. How many questions did you get wrong on exams that you knew the answers for later when actually treating patients? How many lessons were learned the hard way when bombing a presentation or studying the wrong lectures for an exam? If you were to let these things prevent you from becoming a pharmacist, nurse, doctor, etc... then you would have never reached your potential! Stop worrying about failure. Instead, embrace it as part of the process of becoming the person you want to be.

Caring about what people will think has probably prevented the implementation of more ideas than anything else. I was terrified of starting RxTeach because I was worried about what my friends, family, and colleagues would think. But the truth is, NO ONE CARES. If people don't like your content, then they won't pay attention to it. Simple. If they do like your content, then you have nothing to worry about in the first place! But honestly, most people couldn't care less.

If people do happen to dislike your work, that's okay too! Remember, the Venn diagram of people who listen to George Straight and Nicki Minaj has a very small center, yet they both have fantastic careers in music with millions of people who follow their work.

Getting to the point:

RxTeach now has a YouTube channel! These are our first-ever videos, and we will focus on making them better every time. The content of this channel currently consists of "happy hours" which are conversations on clinical or professional topics with a glass of whiskey to keep things light. As healthcare professionals, we're often talking about data and recommendations while in serious clinical situations or in environments of being pressured to know the right answer. These videos are meant to counter that feeling and instead let learning happen in a relaxed and laid-back way. Grab a sip if you want and come learn something new!

You'll find our first 2 videos below. If you find the information useful or entertaining, please consider liking and subscribing to the channel! We would greatly appreciate it!

Video #1: Diving into the data behind fitness and longevity

Video #2: Tips for landing a pharmaceutical industry fellowship

Thanks for taking part in our new adventure, and we hope you get something out of it!


*Information presented on RxTeach does not represent the opinion of any specific company, organization, or team other than the authors themselves. No patient-provider relationship is created.